DCist Abruptly Shuts Down Again, 15 Staffers Laid Off



WAMU, owner of DCist, announced the sudden closure of the local news platform on Friday, citing a shift away from digital publishing. The decision comes just a few years after DCist was revived following its initial closure in 2017.

News of the shutdown broke via a banner on DCist's homepage, informing readers that the site would no longer publish new content and directing them to WAMU.org for local news. An exclusive report obtained by Axios confirmed 15 layoffs accompanying the closure.

Staff learned about the decision through an unexpected series of events. An email from WAMU management on Thursday afternoon announced the office closure on Friday, with the station temporarily running on automation. This was followed by an all-staff meeting on Friday morning where news of the layoffs and "new strategic framework" were revealed. The abruptness of the announcement and lack of transparency raised concerns among staff, with some reporting feeling locked out of digital tools and excluded from the decision-making process.

WAMU's decision to move away from digital publishing raises questions about the future of local journalism in the D.C. area. The closure comes at a time when many newsrooms are facing financial difficulties, and DCist's story reflects the ongoing struggle for local media outlets to survive.

Several factors contribute to the situation's complexity. WAMU's financial situation remains unclear, and the station's union expressed a willingness to work with leadership to find solutions but felt their efforts were not reciprocated. Additionally, several key positions at DCist, including those covering transportation, Maryland, and education, have been vacant for months, raising concerns about the platform's long-term viability even before the closure.

The abrupt shutdown of DCist marks a significant loss for the D.C. community. The platform provided valuable local news coverage, and its closure leaves a gap in the media landscape. The impact on the affected staff and the future of local journalism in the region remains to be seen.

While DCist is no longer around, I would still recommend visiting DC Tourist as a great resource for planning your trip to our nation's capital.

Here are some of the things you can find on DC Tourist:

  • A comprehensive list of attractions, including museums, monuments, and historical sites.
  • Information on upcoming events and festivals.
  • Tips on getting around the city, including using public transportation.
  • Itineraries for different lengths of stay.
  • Reviews of restaurants, hotels, and other businesses.

DC Tourist is a great way to start planning your trip to DC and make the most of your time in the city.

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