DC Area: What to do if You Have No Cell Service and Need 911 During AT&T Outage


at&t chinatown washington dc

Facing an emergency but can't call 911 due to the AT&T outage in the DC area? Don't panic! Here's a quick guide on alternative options:

1. Use a Landline: If you have a landline phone, use it to call 911 immediately.

2. Alternative Numbers:

  • Prince William County: Call (703) 792-6500 to report emergencies.
  • Montgomery County: Text 911 if unable to call. See instructions online: [link to Montgomery County emergency texting instructions].

3. Texting 911: While not available in all areas, some locations support texting 911. Check with your local authorities for confirmation.

4. iPhone SOS Feature: If your iPhone displays "SOS," activate the emergency call function. It might connect through other nearby networks.

Important Reminders:

  • Avoid testing 911: Only call for genuine emergencies to avoid overloading the system.
  • Monitor updates: Stay informed by following official channels of local authorities for the latest information on the outage and alternative emergency contact methods.

Additional Information:

  • The outage primarily affects AT&T users, but other networks might also experience temporary disruptions.
  • The cause of the outage remains unknown as of now.
  • AT&T is working to restore service as soon as possible.

By following these steps, you can ensure you receive help during an emergency even amidst the AT&T outage. Remember, staying calm and taking the appropriate action is crucial in such situations.

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