Fairfax County's Shannon Nash Champions Black Women on Boards with New Film

shannon nash

Local hero Shannon Nash, an Annandale native, is making waves in the fight for diversity in corporate leadership. Her latest project, the documentary "OnBoard: Story of Black Women On Boards," shines a light on the groundbreaking achievements of Black women in the boardroom.

The film chronicles the journey of Patricia Roberts Harris, the first African American woman to hold a corporate board seat, while also showcasing the inspiring work of the Black Women On Boards (BWOB) organization. Founded in 2021, BWOB was born from a simple Zoom call between Merline Saintil and Robin Washington, who aimed to connect experienced Black women with board opportunities.

Nash, who participated in the initial meeting alongside 17 other women, highlights the organization's remarkable success: all 18 members secured board positions within just six months. This initial spark ignited BWOB and ultimately led to the creation of "OnBoard."

Directed by the award-winning Deborah Riley Draper, the film premiered at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival and went on to win accolades at the 2023 Essence Film Festival.

Beyond the film, Nash emphasizes the crucial role corporate boards play in shaping companies. She dispels the misconception that boards are merely passive entities, highlighting their authority in hiring and firing CEOs and guiding a company's strategic direction.

"Boards need to hear diverse perspectives," Nash insists. "They're serving a diverse customer base, so the people making decisions should reflect that diversity."

Nash isn't just a champion for Black women in boardrooms – she's a trailblazer herself. As CFO of Wing, a subsidiary of Google's parent company Alphabet, she's at the forefront of drone technology. Wing boasts operations across three continents and over 350,000 drone deliveries, with coffee being the most popular item!

A graduate of the University of Virginia (both undergrad and law school), Nash offers valuable advice to young people, including her own sons. Networking and building relationships early on are key, she stresses, because those connections can blossom into mentors, supporters, and your very own "board of directors" for navigating life's challenges.

To celebrate Women's History Month, "OnBoard" is now available to the public on Vimeo. Visit onboardthefilm.com to access the link and learn more about the film and the mission of BWOB.

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